In my Blogging for Journalists class we had Dave Rhea come speak to us. Rhea is a journalist now but once was in a band that toured with other bands such as Creed and Nickelback. So is this man a journalist or a rock star? He may always be a rock star on the inside, but his everyday career consists of journalism.
As a journalism major, this scared me at first. I'm going to be out of a job before I even begin! Not quite. Rhea's career took a turn towards media journalism: blogging!
"A place where you can share your thoughts with other people," is Rhea's definition of a blog. With a blog, one can see what works best for their particular audience. Personally, you all that follow my blog enjoy stories; therefore, I disseminate story after story. Fortunately, I enjoy writing stories so my blog benefits us both.
Rhea brought me a type of reassurance. Before, I thought my hopeful future was going to die before I was given a chance at it. After he talked with us, I realized that my future career will just consist of different expectations than traditional journalism. Journalism is not ending, it's expanding! With blogging and the Internet, one can share their words with the world.
"What you do, makes a real difference," said Rhea.
Dave Rhea |
With a career that revolves around my words, I have the chance to make a difference. And that's what I aspire to do.
Dave Rhea gave me a dose of inspiration to continue pursuing my journalism dream. He may be a former rock star, but he's still a rock star to me.
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