There are two types of people: those who pull over on the side of the road to crawl into a ditch, and those who pull over to take pictures of the tornado coming straight toward them.
I live in Oklahoma, or "Tornado Alley."
Yesterday we had multiple F4 tornadoes rip through this beloved state of mine. In fact, the first tornado of the day started directly above my house. I assure you no damage was done, but the raw fear within my heart was damaging enough.
I have lived in Oklahoma all of my life and witnessed many serious tornadoes, including the most famous of them all: the F5 May 3rd.
Because I have grown up with these giants, I have nearly become immune to the fear they cause. Not yesterday.

Reminders of previous devastations popped back into my head as I watched the threatening funnel begin to lower.
"Please protect us today," I whispered in prayer. "Please protect me and my family and my loved ones. Please watch over us."
Unfortunately, there were many damages caused by these tornadoes, including a fatality.
But blessed was I, being able to look up at the sun's promise after the storm as though nothing ever happened.
God answered my pleads. But why was I afraid in the first place? I must always have faith in God; we all should!
Even if the tornado took everything I had, I should remember the story of Job in the Bible. Job lost everything he had, including his health. But Job never turned his back on God.
For those who did lose everything, including loved ones, in yesterday's storm, I pray that they don't curse God's name, but instead look to Him for help and new blessings.
Whatever your storm is in life right now, you must look to God and remember that if you call upon him in faith, He will protect you and provide for you.
"...When God sends us something good, we welcome it. How can we complain when he sends us trouble?" Even in all his suffering Job said nothing against God. Job 2:10
Job Inspired--Stevie