Monday, May 20, 2013

Job During the Storm

There are two types of people: those who pull over on the side of the road to crawl into a ditch, and those who pull over to take pictures of the tornado coming straight toward them.

I live in Oklahoma, or "Tornado Alley."

Yesterday we had multiple F4 tornadoes rip through this beloved state of mine. In fact, the first tornado of the day started directly above my house. I assure you no damage was done, but the raw fear within my heart was damaging enough.

I have lived in Oklahoma all of my life and witnessed many serious tornadoes, including the most famous of them all: the F5 May 3rd.

Because I have grown up with these giants, I have nearly become immune to the fear they cause. Not yesterday.
Reminders of previous devastations popped back into my head as I watched the threatening funnel begin to lower.

"Please protect us today," I whispered in prayer. "Please protect me and my family and my loved ones. Please watch over us."

Unfortunately, there were many damages caused by these tornadoes, including a fatality.
But blessed was I, being able to look up at the sun's promise after the storm as though nothing ever happened.
God answered my pleads. But why was I afraid in the first place? I must always have faith in God; we all should!

Even if the tornado took everything I had, I should remember the story of Job in the Bible. Job lost everything he had, including his health. But Job never turned his back on God.
Whatever happened during the storm, I had to remain faithful that God would protect me.

For those who did lose everything, including loved ones, in yesterday's storm, I pray that they don't curse God's name, but instead look to Him for help and new blessings.

Whatever your storm is in life right now, you must look to God and remember that if you call upon him in faith, He will protect you and provide for you.

"...When God sends us something good, we welcome it. How can we complain when he sends us trouble?" Even in all his suffering Job said nothing against God. Job 2:10

Job Inspired--Stevie

Monday, May 13, 2013

Trust Equals Provision half way through college, my future is quickly upon me.

My personality is to know what to expect at all times so I plan, plan, plan.

I become quite anxious and overwhelmed when it comes to the unknown and unfortunately the future is a big cloud of the unknown.

After a great sermon at my church, Lifechurch.TV, I recognized that my worry was not representing my trust in God; especially with my future.

Ever since that lesson, I have prayed everyday that I give my future up to the Lord.

It has been about 7 months since I began praying about this aspect of my life and God has been more than great in responding to my prayers.

I have recently been given opportunity after opportunity to better my future.

Consistency and patients were required in this journey, but God has done more than reward me.

I continue to pray that I give my future to God, for it is His anyway. I also get the blessing to pray that God equips me with the knowledge and skills required to succeed at the opportunities He has gifted me with.

If you feel uncertainty, worry, or angst, remember that God will provide. We must trust in Him.

"He is our God, we are the people He cares for, the flock for which He provides. Listen today to what he says."
Psalm 95:7


Monday, May 6, 2013


What's your biggest temptation in life?
Food? Sex? Money? A bad habit?

The devil loves to try and control us by waving our biggest weaknesses in front of us. When this happens, our godly alarm should go off and our shield should go up. Unfortunately, we are human and this doesn't always happen.

We fall into temptation everyday. Some bigger than others, but nonetheless sins. Don't worry, though. This is when God's forgiveness has its greatest power.

I made a choice about a year ago to restrain from a certain temptation. It seemed easy at the time, but it haunts me more than I thought it would.

One of the hardest parts about my temptation, is that most of the world doesn't see it as something wrong. This leaves me fighting against this sin alone.

To put it in other terms, I feel as though I'm treading water while the depth continues to increase; eventually I'm afraid that I will get tired and drown.

I want to encourage my readers to remember that they ARE NOT alone. Everyone has their own down fall, whatever it may be. Some are secretive and some are known, but they all cause trouble. Luckily, God can defeat anything, especially if it's to better the relationship you have with Him.

God will not let you drown.

"Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." --Matthew 26:41

Stay Strong,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The New Beginning

Should I end this?
This whole blogging thing?

I thought about it more times than not. I even wrote a post saying goodbye to the blogosphere.
But something about the last day of blogging class changed my mind.

I'm not ending my blog, but I am changing it.

In my life I don't like change, but changing the theme of my blog is necessary for me.

Instead of telling semi-fictional stories, I'm going to capture and share real stories and situations in my life and then find a Bible verse that relates to it.

Life is one big story with twists and turns when you least expect it. The Bible is the living word because it moves along with your life and can be interpreted differently depending on your current situation. That is what I want to share with my readers.

I hope y'all follow along with my life, as the Bible follows along with it.

Welcome to the new beginning...

"Then God commanded, 'Let there be light' -- and light appeared. God was pleased with what He saw" Genesis 3-4


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So Long Sophomore

Here I am at the final week of my sophomore year.

Some people have criticized me for being young but in reality, I'm exactly half way through my college career. No matter what anyone thinks, that is a huge accomplishment.

What I can't wrap my mind around is how quickly the half-way point came. I only have that much longer before I'm kicked out into the "real world" and have to use my degree as a survival kit.

I have been a full time student my entire life; I know nothing different. To not have homework, papers, or exams will be strange...but oh so amazing!

But for now, I still have another half to finish off strong.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Cs Get Degrees!"

Well, finals week is peaking its head around the corner, laughing and whispering negative thoughts into your ear.

Can I give up already and claim defeat? 

Why as students do we work all semester, but it's the last couple weeks when we want to drop dead?
I caught myself holding my own eye lids open during a class today!

I normally am responsible and never miss a night of necessary studying. Last night, I didn't even open my backpack.

At the beginning of every semester I tell myself that this is going to be a 4.0 semester. By the end, I chant "Cs get degrees!"

I'm not going to tell you to push through and finish strong! Nah, because I personally am going to be running away from finals week and its responsibilities until it swallows me whole...

Oh, and summer classes? Those were a good idea before my brain got burnt like a crisp by this semester. 

Never again!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Gray Waters

The gargantuan waves crashed onto the infinitesimal rock pieces that made up the beach. The belligerent thunderstorm formed over the gray water forcing the wind to whip and roar.

Although this scene was meant to be cantankerous, to me it was beautiful.

The white caps where oceanic paraphernalia. The miniscule crabs ducking back into their safe holes were cute but frightened. The way the rain united with the vast ocean was inseparable, like a mother nourishing her child.

The claps of the thunder reminded me of an over friendly female who you try to avoid but can't seem to run away from.

I’ve always enjoyed thunderstorms and their pugnacious attitudes, but this colossal thunderstorm had a winsome smell to it. It was almost affable.

I would even venture to say it made me feel safe as I traipsed the beach. The storm practically walked along with me; no, it sauntered!

The storm began to grow and crawl closer and closer to me. Before I knew it, my observations of this storm dispersed and I quickly realized that I was its main accessory.

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." -Jacques Cousteau


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Stop & Think

You walk past him everyday but think nothing of it. Why? Because you're not him? Because he doesn't pertain to your life?

Because you don't think he pertains to your life?

An observation can be a slight glance. It's not until you really acknowledge something, that it becomes a story... 

So who is this person? 

Maybe he doesn't yet know who he is either. Perhaps he does and he's perfectly content with it. Or maybe he's afraid of who he is and hopes you're not complexly trying to figure him out.

Everyone comes from a unique background and no two lives are identical, no matter how closely they are related

So when you continue to ignore and walk past the same person time and time again, maybe consider what their story is.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


She took a risk. 

Jen walked into that church full of college students and sat down...alone. Already afraid and uncomfortable, she argued with herself whether to stay or to take the easy road and leave the church and her nervousness behind.

"Hey! I'm Kelly. Do you want to come sit with my friends and me?"

Suddenly her face lit up and her fears fled. 

Because of Jen's boldness to take a risk and walk into a positive unknown and thanks to Kelly's  boldness for reaching out to her, Jen's life was changed forever.

Be bold... 

Even if it seems scary.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More Than Just Sweat

His feet slam the pavement as his stress balls up in liquid form and roles off his powerful body, left behind him forever. The burn marks from painful words begin to heal and erase with each step. The fear of inadequacy has lost its grip because each hard breath builds his mind stronger. The frustration from life that squeezed itself into his muscles begins its journey out and away from its victim, for now the victim has become the survivor.

The dim echo of cheering whispers in his ear. It builds as he rounds the last kilometer; finish line in sight. His gifted body carries him to the end as the crowd cheers louder and louder.

Running; some do it for fitness, some do it for everything else.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fallen Half

Joy sat in the pew staring apathetically at the coffin that caressed her grandma. When she first received the apologetic news, she felt overwhelming angst to the point that she was inconsolable. 

            Joy was absolutely enamored with her grandma ever since she was born. As a baby when she would cry, her grandma would rock her in her red wooden rocking chair so passionately that she would fall asleep every time.  

            Joy felt jaded and powerless to carry on without her grandma; her other half. The only thing that pulled her through each day was the memories of her grandma she had repeating in her mind. 

Her beautiful grandma was always bubbly and joyous no matter the circumstances. Her embarrassed smile could be mistaken to be lewd when she blushed after doing something facetious. Her candid personality caused her to be a little credulous at times, but it was always with the best intentions. 

Since her grandma’s passing, Joy has simply been going through the motions of life. She hasn’t been bellicose but she has been easily annoyed. At times when she used to get excited and loudly express it, she now seems to be introverted instead. 

Who can blame her? A grandmother to one person can be just a grandmother. To Joy, a grandmother was a best friend.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wooded Whispers

She runs along the dark wooded road. Her breath crystallizing as she quickly inhales and exhales.

What are you chasing?

The wind runs its fingers through her loose hair that is just as dark as the night sky; her eyes glistening as bright as the stars above her.

Her feet come to an abrupt halt.

Don't do this to yourself.

She whips her head around quickly, looking into the thick wooded trees surrounding her, her heart painfully pounding. Helpless and afraid, she falls to her knees and cups her head in her hands. "Please don't leave me," she whispers. The words nearly write themselves out in her breath.

Her heart feels heavy and her body is paralysed with unsure emotion.

I won't let you give up.

She completely lies down in the dirt on the side of the gravel road. Her eyes drift from one star to the next. Her heart slows down, beating filters the dirt through her fingers, feeling how infinitesimal each granule is. She feels just as small, compared to the universe above her.

Tears accrue in her starry eyes and begin to escape down the sides of her face.

She closes her eyes and allows the tears to slide down one by one as the dry dirt beneath her head imbibes the pure liquid in a quick fashion.

A soft thumb brushes the side of her face, wiping away the moist streak her tears left. She frantically opens her eyes and sits ups. But no one is physically there.

A moment that should have panicked her, feels calm and comforting. The thumb she felt wipe her face was strong, yet gentler than anything she's ever experienced.

You know that I am with you.

Slowing standing to her feet, she looks back up towards the stars, clasping her hands together and pressing them against her heart. "Thank you," she whispers.


Monday, February 25, 2013

What are Boyfriends Good For?

What are boyfriends really good for?

Pretending to listen to you?
 Scattering their stuff all over your room?
"Jokingly" calling your small dog a rat?
Grabbing at their manhood as to check to see if all are accounted for? Awkward.

With boyfriends come quirks that aren't always appeasing. So remind me why we love our boyfriends so dearly?

Oh, that's right! This is why:

Where I live, the weather changes faster than a pregnant woman's hormones. The morning will be sunny and beautiful and in two hours it looks like an apocalypse is beginning.

So when I witnessed a boyfriend piggy backing his girlfriend to the car after class, in order to rescue her cute shoes from the flooded ground, I instantly remembered why boyfriends are so great.

Boyfriends are good for:

Holding your purse even when he's in front of all his buds.
Making you feel beautiful when you feel the ugliest.
Surprising you with flowers when it's...why?...oh yeah, no reason at all.
Sitting patiently in front of the mirror with you while you curl your hair.
Going on midnight walks with you when you're stressed and need to clear your head.
Reminding you that you're not alone in this scary world.
                                and of course,
Carrying you through the rain so your shoes don't get wet.

So thank you boyfriends, for being our best friends.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Those Old Students

Being a college student, I see a lot of different types of people. The students at my university are from different walks of life. They have different cultures, different backgrounds, and a lot of us are different ages. One of the strangest things to me when I began college, was having an old guy in my class. In reality, there are almost as many adult students on campus as there are younger students.

One adult student that sticks out to me the most is an older guy who I walk past every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. He sits at the same table with the same diligent look on his face, as he scrambles through his papers that he has spread out all over the place.

I used to think adult students were crazy for coming back to school, but in reality, most of them don't come back by choice. I'm sure some might, if they're bored enough and have the money. 

Have you ever taken the time to think of reasons why these adults who have had careers, families, and major life experiences, come back to college?

Perhaps, this man I see has had the same successful career for over a decade. A new supervisor has just been hired; young and in charge. The new supervisor may decide that a higher degree is required for the position this man holds. No longer is this man viewed as doing his job well but he is now looked at by what degree he holds.

Here he is, in his mid fifties I'd say, stressing over exams and research papers. He hasn't been a student in over 30 years and times sure have changed. He doesn't only have to learn about the everyday assignments in class but he has to relearn how to be a student. 

He probably questions himself daily if going back to school is worth it. I'm sure he easily qualifies for many other jobs. But he has situated himself in a career! A career where his co-workers are now friends and his daily tasks are his passion. So, re-struggling through college to save a career that he has already earned, is worth it to him. 

For some younger students, I understand when those old people are in class and they ask a million questions, that it could get annoying. Try to put yourself in their shoes. It must be uncomfortable to be in a room with people half your age and still feel less intelligent than them. As a grown adult, they are back in a situation that scares them to death...

This man that I see, studying his heart out, is probably doing it for more than just himself. Saving his career would mean continuing to provide for his family. It's not just him studying, it's his wife, his kids, his grand kids, and let's throw his pets in there too. 

But, then again, he could just be bored and need something to do...


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Journalist..or ROCK STAR?

In my Blogging for Journalists class we had Dave Rhea come speak to us. Rhea is a journalist now but once was in a band that toured with other bands such as Creed and Nickelback. So is this man a journalist or a rock star? He may always be a rock star on the inside, but his everyday career consists of journalism. started with print journalism (newspapers in case you forgot we still had those). He explained that although newspapers are decreasing in popularity, they won't go extinct anytime soon. Someday, they'll be equivalent to big CDs, or records; people still have them, they're just not the primary source of music anymore. Same with newspapers. You'll still be able to find them, they just won't be the main source of news. 

As a journalism major, this scared me at first. I'm going to be out of a job before I even begin! Not quite. Rhea's career took a turn towards media journalism: blogging!

"A place where you can share your thoughts with other people," is Rhea's definition of a blog. With a blog, one can see what works best for their particular audience. Personally, you all that follow my blog enjoy stories; therefore, I disseminate story after story. Fortunately, I enjoy writing stories so my blog benefits us both. 

Rhea works for The Journal Record. It is a state wide business news source. They produce both print and media. Rhea described his transition to media journalism. He was told to experiment with this media news. So, Rhea took a print story and made it come alive, digitally.

Rhea brought me a type of reassurance. Before, I thought my hopeful future was going to die before I was given a chance at it. After he talked with us, I realized that my future career will just consist of different expectations than traditional journalism. Journalism is not ending, it's expanding! With blogging and the Internet, one can share their words with the world. 

"What you do, makes a real difference," said Rhea.
Dave Rhea

With a career that revolves around my words, I have the chance to make a difference. And that's what I aspire to do. 

Dave Rhea gave me a dose of inspiration to continue pursuing my journalism dream. He may be a former rock star, but he's still a rock star to me.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ice Cream on the Inside

          As I was leaving a convenient store, I noticed the cashier taking a bite of ice cream hidden behind the counter between each customer. The cashier was a fairly overweight female. Shamefully, I'll admit that my first thought was, can she not even wait until she checks everyone out before eating? I know, I know; how ugly of me. So I changed my perspective and realized that perhaps...

This woman might have been fit and beautiful years ago. She probably had boys flocking to her like no one's business. Anything could have happened to cause her to gain weight: children, injury or illness, stress, trauma. Whatever it was probably made her lose whatever positive ego she had. Perhaps, insecurities became her closest enemy.

She might have lost a boyfriend she planned on spending the rest of her life with because he wasn't willing to tolerate her weight. This occurrence could have only pushed the insecurity knife deeper into her mind.

One day, when all her hope for love had evaporated, she could have ran into one man who finally saw her internal beauty over her external appearance. Perhaps, they're married by now and she could be happier with herself than she ever was before. She found a man who loves her soul and finds every part of her beautiful. Therefore, if she wants to eat ice cream between each customer, my gosh let her have at it!

But, then again, she could just like ice cream...


Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Best Friend

While sipping coffee at my university, I heard an innocent giggle a couple tables over. It was a young female, small stature, with the purest smile. I wondered what she was so happy-go-lucky about.

Maybe she saw something funny. Maybe she got an A on her last test. Or maybe she just gained a new friendship.

She may have fought for years with someone she felt was an interloper in her life; someone that was brought into her life without her permission. 

"I do," her mom said.
"I do," her new step-dad replied.

This girl might have fought for years with this new family member. Actually in her mind, this person was anything but a family member. He came into her mom's life which she felt pushed her to the side. Resentment, frustration, and anger swam through her veins when this stranger set foot in her territory.

Years later and a lot of growing up might have brought her uncomfortably close to this "family stranger." In times when she least expected anything from him, he propably offered her more support than her own mother could. This man loved this girl's mom but that couldn't have been possible without him loving her too.

This girl probably capitulated and finally viewed this stranger as her step-dad, but she not dare let him in on the secret! No, she must keep her guard up.

Through mother-daughter arguments when surely her step-dad would take her mother's side, he stayed neutral. Through middle school drama to choosing a university, he helped advise her when life felt the hardest. Through teenage breakups and insecure nights, he was always there to reassure her that it was "their loss."

This man was no family stranger. This man was no step-father, either. This man, he is a best friend.

There are no more guards blocking her heart. She is fully aware that he loves her unconditionally, and the best part is he knows she feels the same towards him.

This giggle from a sweet soul might have been because she gained a special relationship with someone that no one else will ever compare to. But, then again, she could just be a happy girl.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The eye is the beginning to nearly everything in our lives, don't you think? Therefor, making things, such as your blog, appealing and simple is crucial. These are two examples of typography:

This blog is an example of poor typography. Their font is a bit too small and tough on the eyes to read.

This blog has simple and effecting design. It's layout is inviting and comfortable as well as the typography being easy to read. Their grammar isn't the best, but the font, size, and style is well put together.


Thursday, January 24, 2013


Everyday brings its own observations, but have you ever thought deeper than just what your eyes see?
Today I saw an elderly man sitting on a bench, staring blankly. Most people would walk by and not think much of it but for some reason my heart observed his behavior instead of my eyes. His life probably holds years of wisdom and love. Unfortunately, it may hold years of loss as well. Perhaps, he just lost his wife of 55 years and that explains why he's sitting alone. They probably held hands and exchanged decades of kisses on that exact bench. Perhaps, she cooked him breakfast every morning and never once let him leave the house without straightening his tie and telling him she loved him. They might have went to church every Sunday and grew closer together while growing closer to their faith. I bet they did everything together from drinking coffee to spoiling their grand kids. As their bodies grew weaker and their hair became grayer, their love never stood a chance at fading. Perhaps, today is the first time he's sat on that bench without her, and his blank stare is actually filled with 55 years of her memory.
But, then again, he could just be an elderly man on a bench...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Discovered Blog

I came across a blog I found interesting called "It's all w(rite) here." It's a cute title and made me want to see what the blog was about. In summary, it has to do with this girl being adopted and how it changed her life and the ways she has had to cope with it. The strengths in this blog is the deepness and emotion this girl can grab you with. This blog reaches more than one audience as well. It touches the heart of those who are adopted or have an adopted child. Yet, it also reaches us who don't really know much about adoption or what it entails.
This blog inspires me to not only entertain when writing my stories, but to challenge emotions. The only downfall to this blog is that it has password protected posts. If I enjoy reading your posts, I don't want you to hide them! There could be any sorts of reasons why someone would post private posts but I personally don't care for them. Besides that, this blog will grasp your heart and give you a unique point of view on adoption and insight into that world.